What is Funds, Index and Commodity

What is Funds, Index, and Commodity?. In addition to Forex, in Marketiva we also can trade Funds, Indexes, and Commodities. Everything is in one account and from trading platform Marketiva Streamster.

About Funds
Investment funds offered by various institutions, investment banks, financial companies and any other entity, and bought and sold shares of funding through a central exchange or in direct retail sales.
Funds are often structured to target specific geographic regions, industries or certain types of investments. Investor funds are specifically encouraged to hold shares for at least one year for replacement of initial financing losses and potential stock price decline funding. Funds are categorized as long-term investment and is normally not associated with speculation and trading daily.
In the Marketiva you can trade in the market Funds such as Constantine, the Yangtze, Asiasset, Brasillion, and Indiamond.

About Indexes
Market index is a representation of the value of mastering a series of securities markets or a particular industry sector, which has a similar market capitalization, listed on stock or the same. The index is often used as a barometer to measure the financial or economic performance.
Various methods are used to determine the value of the index, some of which support the market capitalization, trade in shares or the price of a security. Major international market index usually publicized in the media as an indicator of economic trends in various parts of the world.
In the Marketiva you can trade in the market index such as Dow Jones, Nasdaq 100, S & P 500, DAX, and FTSE 100.

About Commodities
Commodities are basic resources and raw or primary products such as metals, energy and agricultural products. Resources and the products traded on commodity exchanges and exchange on the table (over-the-counter), which commodities are bought and sold in standardized contracts.
Open auction, which involves traders face to face on trading room, is the main method of trade before the introduction of electronic trading systems that are prevalent today. Participants commodity trade consists of agricultural cooperatives which protects the low yields up to oil companies and market speculators.
In the Marketiva you can trade in commodity markets such as Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Palladium.

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